Here I'm halfway through a retraction. Note how thin and stretched the lower part of the foreskin is. When pulling back, it will peel off the glans, rather than roll or slide. This may sound nasty, but unless done too quickly, it is at most slightly uncomfortable. On the left side (from your point of view), the glans is somewhat more moist, and thus the foreskin will not adhere as much there.
Now, after I have fully retracted the foreskin, what will happen if I try to pull it up again, so that it covers the glans? Well, usually something like this:

This is how far it came. No matter how much I try to pull it up (er, that is "down" in the picture) at this stage, it will not move to enclose the tip of the glans. The reason for this is simple: When it started to cover the glans, the parts of the foreskin that first stuck to it was not the innermost parts of the skin, and since it can't slide, it is stuck in this position.
Personally, I can't stand going around like that, because I find that the friction from my underwear against the exposed glans is far too uncomfortable. The solution is simply to completely retract the foreskin again, and apply some kind of lubricant. A dab of saliva will do excellently, or even some water may work. But even so, some further adjustment may be necessary to bring it completely back to its original place. A gentle stretch may loosen it from the glans:

Alternatively, if the glans is moist enough, one can press on it through the skin and wriggle it into place:

A final word: this is obviously not meant as a generic guide on how to handle a penis, especially if it is not your own. You will have to find out for yourself what is comfortable for you or your partner.